Texas Tech Health Check
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center experts in health care will share advice and reminders to help us stay healthy—mentally and physically.
Texas Tech Health Check
Paw-sitive Healing: Grieving Your Furry Friend and Overcoming Pet Loss
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Around 60% of Americans have pets, and many of them are considered family members. How do we deal with the loss when our pet dies? Natalie Harryman, a licensed marriage and family therapist with the Counseling Center, explains that pets bring joy, motivation and unconditional love, but they also bring stress. She notes that grieving a pet is similar to grieving a human loved one, involving stages like sadness, anger, and guilt. Natalie gives us advice on how coping mechanisms, including self-compassion and allowing emotions to pass; what to tell children when a beloved pet is gone; and she emphasizes the importance of sitting with and supporting grieving individuals.