Texas Tech Health Check
Texas Tech Health Check
The Thyroid Gland: Functions, Disorders, and Treatments
Many of us are aware of our thyroids, but how many of us know what it does or what happens when there’s a problem with our thyroid. Mohammad Sidani, M.D., guest for this episode, tells us all about the thyroid, including the origin of its name, and why if you’re on thyroid medication you should take it exactly as prescribed. Dr. Sidani is a Texas Tech Physicians surgeon and with the TTP Multispecialty Clinic in the UMC Health and Wellness Hospital. Although Dr. Sidani specializes in endocrine surgery, he explains that there are tailored treatments which don’t necessarily involve surgery and if they do, they don’t involve removing the entire thyroid. If surgery is necessary, because of the possible complications, he recommends patients talk to a high-volume thyroid surgeon about treatment.